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Ireland says it expects to meet deadline for workers’ rights directive

By November 19, 2024No Comments

The Government has said it expects to meet a deadline today to transpose an EU directive on workers’ rights.

Unions however have accused the State of not fully implementing the rules by failing to pass new legislation.

The EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages seeks to reduce working poverty and inequality by improving statutory minimum wages, as well as the promotion of collective bargaining.

Collective bargaining is the process of negotiation between employers and employee representatives such as trade unions.

Under the directive, member states with less than 80% collective bargaining coverage, which includes Ireland, must establish an action plan to promote collective bargaining.

The Department of Enterprise said it has received legal advice that Ireland’s current minimum wage setting framework, namely the Low Pay Commission, is largely already in compliance with the provisions of the directive, although there will be some amendments to the National Minimum Wage Act 2000 to bring the framework completely into line with the directive.

“No new legislation is required on the collective bargaining side. It is expected that the transposition deadline will be met,” a Department spokesperson said.

The Private Sector Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) said it is “disgraceful and unacceptable” that the Government is failing to fully transpose the directive.

“The directive is about the State being obliged to promote collective bargaining so workers and employers can negotiate in the workplace and at sectoral level to improve living conditions,” said ICTU General Secretary Owen Reidy.

“The cost-of-living is, and remains, a critical issue for workers and the electorate. Collective bargaining is the answer.

“We expect and will demand that the next government transpose this crucial directive and the Irish trade union movement will not rest until it is fully and properly transposed,” Mr Reidy said.

The Unite trade union said it is calling on all political parties to commit to full transposition of the directive by legislating for union recognition and collective bargaining.

“We are calling on all parties to commit to including a new package of workers’ rights in the next programme for government,” said Unite’s Irish secretary Susan Fitzgerald.

Article Source – Ireland says it expects to meet deadline for workers’ rights directive – RTE

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