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Energy generation sources remain stable in September

By October 6, 2023No Comments

Gas was responsible for generating 46% of Ireland’s electricity in September, amid mild, sunny and wet weather.

That proportion was similar to the previous month, but down from 55% in September of 2022.

Wind accounted for 35% of energy generation capacity during the month, up 10 percentage points on the same month a year ago.

Coal contributed a total of 5% to Ireland’s electricity generation in September, peaking at 15%.

Wind energy’s contribution to electricity generation surpassed the entire country’s demand for the first time ever for a short period during the month.

The milestone occurred during Storm Agnes on September 27th and only lasted a few hours.

Other sources of power generation were also in operation during this time and so power was exported through the electricity interconnector to Great Britain and was also stored using the Turlough Hill pumped storage facility in Wicklow.

At the other extreme, at the start of September, the unseasonal heatwave meant gas had to be used to produce 64% of the country’s electricity, with wind accounting for just 15% overall.

“The month of September showcased how a complete energy system approach works in practice with wind and gas complementing each other to meet, when combined, 81% of Ireland’s electricity demand,” said Gas Networks Ireland’s Acting Director of Strategy and Regulation, Brian Mullins.

“With less wind around during the heatwave at the start of the month, gas stepped up and generated two thirds of the electricity needed in the country.”

“In contrast, during the stormy and windy end to the month, wind energy broke another remarkable record in electricity generation.”

“However, at the same time, gas’s contribution peaked at 88% and never fell below 11% at any point in September.”

When compared to September of last year, gas demand dropped in the education and hotel sectors, but rose compared to the previous month in education, air travel and construction.

Looking at the third quarter of the year, gas demand dropped by 14% on the previous quarter and by 17% when compared to the same three months of 2022.

Article Source: Energy generation sources remain stable in September – RTE

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